Totally Truffles - composted spores / grow your own truffles
These are composted truffle spores that can be used produce truffles by infecting the roots of suitable host tree species []. This product is specifically designed to boost the mycelia and mycorrhiza adjacent to the roots of compatible trees, grown in well drained, calcified soils of a pH above 7.5. These truffle spores not only give your tree the capacity to host a highly prized fungi; the treatment will also improve your trees health by improving its capacity to fight infections and unlock otherwise unavailable nutrients from the soil.
Technical details: A 100g sachet of compost typically contains: 1 gram of truffle spores, (between 20,000 and 40,000 spores), organic substances, calcium, and vermiculite and sugars.
Treatment of established trees: Once you have identified a suitable tree, make a hole in the ground around 25 cm in diameter and 25 cm deep positioned around your trees canopy edge (distance away from trunk). Ensure that you locate the roots in the soil to allow the truffle spores to infest them To each hole add the entire sachet of truffle spores and back fill with loam.
Treatment of immature trees: For young trees around one or two years old, make sure the area around the trunk is well weeded then sprinkle the truffle spore mixture around the tree and let it make its way down into the ground by hoeing the soil to a depth of about 10 cm.
Maintenance: Repeat these operations every year from March through to May. For the best results, a tree foliar fertilizer is recommended that increases rates of photo-assimilation and therefore sugar availability to the roots and fungus. This can also be purchased from Totally Truffles...............
Totally Truffles - composted spores / grow your own truffles
These are composted truffle spores that can be used produce truffles by infecting the roots of suitable host tree species []. This product is specifically designed to boost the mycelia and mycorrhiza adjacent to the roots of compatible trees, grown in well drained, calcified soils of a pH above 7.5. These truffle spores not only give your tree the capacity to host a highly prized fungi; the treatment will also improve your trees health by improving its capacity to fight infections and unlock otherwise unavailable nutrients from the soil. Technical details: A 100g sachet of compost typically contains: 1 gram of truffle spores, (between 20,000 and 40,000 spores), organic substances, calcium, and vermiculite and sugars.
Treatment of established trees: Once you have identified a suitable tree, make a hole in the ground around 25 cm in diameter and 25 cm deep positioned around your trees canopy edge (distance away from trunk). Ensure that you locate the roots in the soil to allow the truffle spores to infest them To each hole add the entire sachet of truffle spores and back fill with loam.
Treatment of immature trees: For young trees around one or two years old, make sure the area around the trunk is well weeded then sprinkle the truffle spore mixture around the tree and let it make its way down into the ground by hoeing the soil to a depth of about 10 cm.
Maintenance: Repeat these operations every year from March through to May. For the best results, a tree foliar fertilizer is recommended that increases rates of photo-assimilation and therefore sugar availability to the roots and fungus. This can also be purchased from Totally Truffles...............
Totally Truffles - composted spores / grow your own truffles
These are composted truffle spores that can be used produce truffles by infecting the roots of suitable host tree species []. This product is specifically designed to boost the mycelia and mycorrhiza adjacent to the roots of compatible trees, grown in well drained, calcified soils of a pH above 7.5. These truffle spores not only give your tree the capacity to host a highly prized fungi; the treatment will also improve your trees health by improving its capacity to fight infections and unlock otherwise unavailable nutrients from the soil.
Technical details: A 100g sachet of compost typically contains: 1 gram of truffle spores, (between 20,000 and 40,000 spores), organic substances, calcium, and vermiculite and sugars.
Treatment of established trees: Once you have identified a suitable tree, make a hole in the ground around 25 cm in diameter and 25 cm deep positioned around your trees canopy edge (distance away from trunk). Ensure that you locate the roots in the soil to allow the truffle spores to infest them To each hole add the entire sachet of truffle spores and back fill with loam.
Treatment of immature trees: For young trees around one or two years old, make sure the area around the trunk is well weeded then sprinkle the truffle spore mixture around the tree and let it make its way down into the ground by hoeing the soil to a depth of about 10 cm.
Maintenance: Repeat these operations every year from March through to May. For the best results, a tree foliar fertilizer is recommended that increases rates of photo-assimilation and therefore sugar availability to the roots and fungus. This can also be purchased from Totally Truffles...............
We offer a proprietary nano-fertilizer that should be applied to the leaves of your truffle trees every 2 weeks after leaf emergence in the spring. This fertilizer should be used in conjunction with a wetting agent also offered by our company (see below for details). This nano-fertilizer is absorbed through the leaf stomata and rapidly increases shoot and root mass and actively stimulates mycorrhizal symbiosis. The list price is for 100 g of powdered fertilizer enough to prepare 8 litres.
Surfactants are compounds that lower the surface tension of a liquid, the interfacial tension between two liquids, or that between a liquid and a solid. Surfactants may act as detergents, wetting agents, emulsifiers, foaming agents, and dispersant's. Totally Truffles supplies 50 ml of wetting agent for the list price. One ml of this surfactant is required for each litre of truffle fertilizer prepared.
Tap water must be pre-treated before applying to truffle trees as the truffle-tree symbiosis is sensitive to trace levels of phosphates. This conditioner will improve the likelihood of truffle maintenance. The price is for 1kg water conditioner.
Truffiére soil conditioner (5kg sack; postal costs may vary)
Area of application: to be used in truffle beds which have a low or average lime content (1 to 10%) and on the truffle burn of isolated truffle-producing trees or in truffle groves.
Technical advantages: boosts root development, by improving the structure of heavy soils. Stimulates the microbiological activity of the soil, which contributes to the development of organic matter. Creates the conditions for a C:N ratio favourable to truffles (8 to 12). In soils with low lime content, supplements can encourage the decline of Tuber Brumale (musky winter truffle) in favour of Tuber Melanosporum (black truffle).
Use: Add ground limestone amendment every year to control acidity levels and to aerate the soil. Some truffle growers observe that a lime supplement of 1 to 2 tonnes per hectare every 1 to 2 years provides the physical-chemical and biological conditions favourable to the fructification of the Tuber Melanosporum black truffle (black Périgord truffle). In isolated truffle beds, this would mean a supplement of 2.5 kg of lime (or around 3 litres of powder) on 10m² truffle burn.
It is recommended to add lime supplement when tilling the soil, generally in March and April, but it can also be simply spread over the ground at any time of the year.
Manufactured in accordance with a quality system which complies with ISO 9002.